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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Stripes, flowers, & the first September issue

Fall is my favorite season. I love the weather, Pumpkin Spice Lattes, and all the September magzine issues. Buying them has become a fall tradition, it's the first thing that lets me know the seasons are changing. Boyfriend laughs at me because I've collected them since '05 and I'm sure I'll cart them around with us for the rest of our lives! This Elle is the first September issue of the year and I cannot wait to go through it. (Do you notice? It matches my vase and pretty red flowers! Meant to be).

I was afraid to buy this skirt at first, I don't go for many embroidered pieces. However, I've really grown to love it for its versatility and silhouette. I've literally worn this skirt with just about everything in my closet and it looks amazing with most anything.

The weather has begun to change in Pullman, if only a little bit. It's dropped a few degrees and we've become to have a few overcast days. (Fall come as fast as you can!)

X, J

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


You're looking at 2 of my favorite things right there, Ham and Swiss Quiche and Chai Tea Latte from Bucer's (Boot-zers). If you love Chai Tea Lattes, PLEASE, whatever you do, get on a plane to Moscow, Idaho. Right now. This is nothing like your Starbucks Chai Tea Latte. In fact, I can't even drink a Chai from anywhere else without comparing. It's that good. I'm not sure what I'll do when we move next year. I'll probably hire a live-in barista from Bucer's, which is completely realistic. Anyway, regardless of Chai, Bucer's is fantastic. Not only do they have wonderful Ham and Swiss Quiche but the architecture and atmosphere are amazing. You feel you're transported to Europe. Bucer's hand roasts all their coffee and home make their food. You're surrounded by huge, looming bookshelves stacked with old leather bound books and there's even a gigantic wooden dining table right in the center to foster conversation. Also, every Friday and Satuday night in the summer they host local bands and beer/wine drink specials. We've gone a few Saturday nights to hear music but by far my favorite has been a band called Saticoy.

If you're from the West Coast you may have heard a common rumor that "there's no where to hang out" if you go to WSU or U of I. Trust me friends, totally false. Like all good local haunts, the gems are few and far between but they're there if you look closely.

X, J

Monday, August 15, 2011

The beauty before the storm

I took these pictures as I was standing on my balcony last night. About 20 minutes after this a huge thunder storm rolled in and the whole hill side was lit up for several hours. After it cleared, a huge harvest moon rose in the sky. I thought all the action was done for the night, but soon after the moon rose a pack of coyotes started howling and barking (you know you live in the country when packs of coyotes live right next to your apartment). They were so close I was actually waiting to see them on the hill side! They sounded like they were in the field we took the "Palouse Prairie Skirt" photos in. I'm so impressed with the power of nature. This was such an extraordinary end to an otherwise ordinary day.

X, J

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The best thing since champagne

Have you guys heard about the Allure Beauty Product Finder??? If not, seriously click on this link. Right now. I'll wait.

IS THAT NOT AMAZING?! I've often whined that I just wanted a website that gave me object product recommendations based on my preferences and skin/hair concerns and the Beauty Gods must have heard me because that's exaclty what the Allure Beauty Product Finder is. The best (or worse) thing about this is the fact that's ADDICTING! Seriously, the first time I used it I was on for a few hours and didn't even know it.

Have you tried the Beauty Product Finder? If so, did you try the products?

Happy beauty product finding!

X, J

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Life Philosophy: Try it

I'm not sure about you, but I love Philosophy products. The true-to-name, gorgeous scents, adorable packaging, the cute "life philosophies" written on the bottles, and the fact that most of them are essentially 3 products in one (shampoo, body wash, and bubble bath) make them an A+ in my book. So far, my all time favorite is Field of Flowers. I was a little wary about this scent at first. Field of Flowers brings to mind an overly floral, sickenly sweet scent. BUT, not to fear, this is a true, very light, "flower" smell without that artificial quality most "floral" scents have; it truly is like smelling wild flowers.

I can't help but smile when I see Rainbow Sherbert, it reminds me of my eating sherbert with my Grandma on hot summer days. I haven't tried it yet, but it's very next on my list since summer is ending (I go back to school on MONDAY).

If this is anything like the other Philosophy products I've tried, I have to have Orchid Blossom. Orchids have such a lovely, light scent that always reminds me of a botanical garden. Wouldn't this be great in the colder months to ward off the winter blues??

So, the philosophy of this story: Try it.

Have you tried any Philosophy products?

X, J

Friday, August 12, 2011

Palouse Prairie Skirt

this Hawk was right above us!

{Tank, Nordstrom. Bomber Jacket, American Rag. Skirt, American Rag. Sandals, O'Neill}

I call this my Prairie Skirt. Everytime I wear it I have the urge to run through a field and have a picnic. I also love the fact that this skirt is slightly longer in the back so it seems to float slightly when I walk. Can you believe we found this beautiful scenery 10 minutes from our apartment? Ah, the Palouse.

X, J

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Fish & Rescue

We're back from Ponderay! We had an ah-mazing time. Monday morning we drove down to Ponderay and sang along to my Ipod while eating breakfast. An hour and a half later, we drove up to the camp site and were greeted by the new and very fabulous trailer. I'm told Boyfriend and I will be using it to entertain our friends at the tailgates this year when school starts. SCORE. Boyfriend had to finish a homework assignment for an online class so his mom and I headed down to a nearby beach called Beaver Bay. We put our lounge chairs in the water and tanned while drinking cranberry juice (highly recommended after a long drive, btw). Boyfriend's dad was in charge of taking the camp kids and Boyfriend's youngest brother tubing on their boat and that proved to be our entertainment for the majority of the afternoon. Several hours later, Boyfriend returned and we had dinner á la camp (which surprisingly was not that bad).

The next day, the camp kids were busy at Silverwood (a pretty amazing theme park in Idaho) so we had the day to ourselves. Boyfriend, his mom, dad, middle brother and I thought it would be an excellent idea to spend the day touring the lake. Then, Boyfriend's Dad informed me I was going to catch my first fish. Then, bash its head in. A rite of passage I must complete. Or something; but before the bashing, lunch was in order. We got on the boat and headed to Cape Hope and ate at a restaurant called Sweet Lou's. We enjoyed drinks (I, an Arnold Palmer with mint. Delicious) and feasted. Boyfriend got bison ribes covered in Chocolate BBQ sauce. We were all skeptical (except Boyfriend who loves chocolate more than I do) but they proved to be amazingly good. It was sort of a bitter, dark chocolate taste but without the "sweet" in usual chocolate.

While we were eatting we noticed little fish swimming around the dock of the restaurant. Boyfriend's dad informed me these were the fish I'd be catching and since they were so small I'd get out of bashing and just catch them for fun (Yay! And I can assure you, no fish were harmed in the making of this blog post). So, after lunch we baited a hook, casted into the water, and waited. About 1 minute (no joke) a felt a little tug on the pole. And another. I reeled as fast as my hand could go, convinced I had a monster on the line. This fish was a fighter! Sure enough, we brought up the line and just look at what we found

A monster indeed! I felt pretty proud too, my first fish! We stayed another hour trying from various spots on the dock and I got 2 more fish slightly bigger than this one. Yay! Not to worry, they were thrown back after we took pictures. The heat proved to be too much after a while (You can't tell here, but let's say Aloe Vera is my new best friend) so got back on the boat and sped for home. About a minute and a half from the camp site, the motor puttered out and Boyfriend's dad informed us we were out of gas. We could not stop laughing! Boyfriend's middle brother stood on the bow with an oar (we only had one btw) while Boyfriend and I fished off the back for dinner "just in case" and we looked pretty ridiclous and lost!

And yes that is a gas can in the boat with us. We just filled up before this happened. Luckily, we were able to call a nearby resort for a tow and we made it back home in one piece. It's a trip we'll always remember! We left Wednesday afternoon and headed back to work and my thesis. Le sigh. We had such a good time and we're so grateful we were able to take the time to visit.

What's the 'haps with you?

X, J